Robyn's Cape Bird Chat Photo Blog

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17 February 2010

Minutes of meeting - Wednesday 10th Feb 2010


HELD ON WEDNESDAY, 10 February, 2010 at 7:00 pm, 

Present: Robyn                          Apologies: Andrea
             Adel                                            Johann
             Clive & Marlene                      Neville
             Mark                                            Linda
             Jill                                               Gerhard

Non-members: The meeting was attended by two tourist visitors who read about the club in the Tattler.
1. Business:

· New members:
New member Gavin de Toit was welcomed to his first meeting

· Membership: The club’s current membership list totals 17 people. All members were encouraged to talk about the club to others, with the aim of increasing membership in the club. Robyn provided membership cards to all current members.

· Blog: The Berg River Bird Club blog is up and running. Members commented that they have had no trouble accessing the blog site. Those who haven’t visited the site were encouraged to do so. ( The blog site will serve as our website until we have resources to establish a proper website.
2. Activities:
Upcoming outings:

· The club is planning a “soft camping” trip to Verlorenvlei (Elands Bay) on the 26-28 Feb. Modest accommodations have been secured in a house that sleeps 6. Club members will depart Friday afternoon and return Sunday afternoon. Those interested should contact Robyn for details, or visit the blog.

· Members had a general discussion about the possibility of outings to the homes/holdings of some of the club members.

· Club project
- Franschhoek Bird List Book: The club plans to publish a book listing birds seen in Franschhoek. It was agreed that the list will include residents, flyovers and migrants (with associated designation). All members were encouraged to provide information on their monthly lists, so the booklet can include those details. The club’s list is currently maintained on the blog. The format for the book may be similar to a booklet being developed by Segfried Schäfer of the Franschhoek Tattler. He is preparing a pocket sized book on fynbos, and has suggested that the club’s bird list booklet be similarly produced, so they could be marketed as a set. Mark suggested that Sasol might be approached to provide funding support for printing.

3. Interesting observations:-

- Robyn and Adel reported their experience with ringing. More information is provided on the blog.

- Jill described an enjoyable experience watching a Darter fishing. At one point the darter tossed his fish into the air, all the better to improve the angle for eating the catch.  

- Robyn provided an overview of her recent experience with the CAR count. On this count she was finally able to see the Open-billed Storks that have been reported around the country.

4. Speaker
 Dinner was prepared for our guests by Cynthia Woodsong.  
From L-R: Gavin du Toit, Margaret Graham, Mike Graham, Cynthia Woodsong, Adel Kadis
The speaker for the February meeting was Mike Graham who presented a fabulous slide presentation of his recent birding trip to the Okavanga Delta. The club was hypnotized by the beautiful photographs, and enjoyed ongoing banter about the birds that were seen. Following the presentation, members chatted with Mike and his wife Margaret about their birding experiences. Mike offered to come again and present a similar slide show from other birding trips.

The meeting closed at 9:00 pm and light refreshments were served.

The next meeting is 10th March at 7:00, at the Franschhoek Traveller’s Lodge.

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