Robyn's Cape Bird Chat Photo Blog

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12 June 2010

Ringing at Franschhoek Wild Flower Garden - 12.06.10

I was joined today by Tracy and Dave Buchan and their daughter Heather for a day of ringing at our local Wild Flower Garden.  It turned out to be a beautiful day with clear blue skies and not a breath of wind for most of the day.   We started out at the reasonable hour of 8.00am and put up only 4 nets. 

Within minutes Cape White-eyes were flying into the nets thick and fast. 

At the end of the day we ringed +- 60 birds and I added Brimstone Canary to my list of new species.  Most of the birds were White-eyes and we also recaught 5 birds that we ringed at our last session on the 29th of May.

Other than White-eyes, we caught Swee Waxbill, Cape Canary, Olive Thrush, Malachite Sunbird, Cape Robin-Chat and the Brimstone Canary.

We were visited by a little 4 striped mouse while we were busy, there seem to be quite a few of them in the garden.

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