Robyn's Cape Bird Chat Photo Blog

Feel free to jump over to my own blog for more on Franschhoek birding.

05 August 2011

Ringing and upcoming meetings

I will be ringing in the Franschhoek Wild Flower Garden behind the Huguenot Memorial Museum tomorrow morning, Saturday 6th of Aug 2011, from 7.00am.  I will be there till about midday so feel free to pop by anytime you like to have a look and see how its done.

I will also be ringing in Andrea Desmond-Smith's garden in 2 weeks time.

Our monthly club meeting takes place next week Saturday, the 13th of August 2011 at 2.00pm, Otter's Bend, Dassenberg Rd.  Hope to see you all there!  Remember your R5.00 for members and R20.00 for visitors for the lucky draw.  I will be giving a talk on the birds of Franschhoek.  Bring along any questions you have or photos of strange birds seen in the village and we will have a look at them together.

Our next outing is to the Karoo Desert Botanical Garden in Worcester on the 20th of August.  Please meet at the NG Church parking lot in the main road at 8.00am.  We can car-pool and travel there together.  Please let me know if you are coming so that we know who to wait for.

The Fish Eagles were seen on the nest this week so please keep a look out when you go that way and let us know if you see them and what they are doing.  Date and time of sighting will also be useful.

I had a fantastic visit by the local Gymnogene this week.  He landed across the road from me on the roof of the Orpen's house and then proceeded to visit my garden, jumping from tree to tree in search of a tasty morsel.  

Isn't it beautiful?  I love the dark grey plumage.  Do watch out for it around town, it is flying low over the house most days.

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