Robyn's Cape Bird Chat Photo Blog

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04 August 2010

Amethyst Sunbirds chicks have hatched

We were very excited to hear the faint "cheep cheep" call coming from the Amethyst Sunbirds nest in the big fir tree in our garden.  Even better is that the nest is right outside Room 28 on our first floor and we can get great views of the parents who are killing themselves feeding these hungry little mouths.

Daddy bird on duty

They are back and forth every 5 minutes so hopefully we will be able to get even better pics as the days go on.  The nest is facing slightly away from the building so we don't have 100% clear view but we can see the little beaks with their huge yellow gapes very clearly.  So sweet.
Mommy bird on duty

He is such a handsome fella

See the big yellow gape?  Just to make sure that mom and dad know where to put the food.

Open Wiiiidddddeeeeee

And lets not forgot about Mrs Hadeda sitting on her nest at the moment....
We are putting up with the early morning raucous but they sure are loud!

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