Robyn's Cape Bird Chat Photo Blog

Feel free to jump over to my own blog for more on Franschhoek birding.

15 August 2010

Bird Ringing at Wild Flower Garden

Saturday morning, Robyn and Adel and our guest, Felicity Ellmore, went bird ringing in the Wild Flower Garden.  It was a wonderful warm day and the birds were buzzing all around us. 

We ringed about 50 birds, most of them White-eyes.  I can't believe there are still White-eyes that I have not ringed yet. One of the White-eyes had some feathers missing from the top of beak.  Not sure why.

We also caught our first Yellow Bishop, still in non-breeding colours.

We also caught a very handsome looking Southern Masked-weaver and he had a strange mark in his eye.
A cheeky Speckled Mousebird was hanging around but refused to fly into the net so didn't get to ring him.... this time!

I have started my own personal bird blog so feel free to have a look at it here.

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